Oz's Blog: September 2006

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Pitch Hitter

Since Oz has been too busy to update his blog he asked me to step up to the plate and I gladly accepted.

Oz basically told me that he is a little offended by Big Colin's comment about Keith's hinny, because he feels he has been neglected lately. See "The Oz" is the sexy one in the group and feels as though Colin is trying to tip the balance of power. In Oz's eyes it is like we are all super hero's:

- Chris is "Commander A-Hole" - He always has a plan, but it rarely works and when it doesn't work he blames everyone else for it not working. For instance the time that we were going to open up for Bon Jovi, Chris neglected to tell anybody and even neglected to ask Bon Jovi. When he showed up at the arena he was pissed that he was denied access into the parking lot.
- Big Colin is "Big Fluffy" - He convinces all the female fans of monkeyshyne that he is a big innocent rabbit, the key word here is "RABBIT"...
- Keith is "Lt. Colonel Guyspleasestoppickingonmeoriwillkillyouwithaspork" - He looks like a young George Clooney and really can kill people with sporks, he defends the "don't ask, don't tell" laws of our American Army.
- Oz is "The Oz" - Although mistaken for a woman most of the time, he is really the pretty boy of the group. He basically makes anyone standing next to him look good and that is why "Commander A-Hole" prefers his mike stand to be very close to his own.

So please Colin do not confuse our fans or mess up our little group of super hero's...

Yours Truely Oz (with Chris standing in as writter)